Monday, April 03, 2006

Complaint and Storytelling McJazz

And now we are well past the end of the complaint brief... wasn't so bad in the end. I found it kinda difficult to find the incentive to do work after we'd handed in our powerpoint presentations, that was until last minute panic set in and then i managed to work my ass off and get a pretty damn reasonable project out there for all to see. *a woo* and it was funny watching loads of random people jumping down the stairs because i showed them how to look like a fool on purpose and make it fun rather than just looking stupid while attempting to have dignity. BAH who needs dignity when you can have hopscotch!

and now we have storytelling...

my character's a stick man... hmm genius, yeah well sod it. i don't like drawing and he's got a balloon for a head so NER! story book stylee. its about a scary forest, a kid lives in a village on the edge and looses his balloon into the forest where he's told never to go - and so of course, for the purpose of having a story enters. and meets the "monster" everyone is scared of... etc etc etc. all ends happily, MAYBE, depends what mood i'm in when i get to the ending. Monster might be a murderous bastard or he may just be a misunderstood outcast... uh huh. suspense is the name of the game. *nods*

so yeah, do some work or something... work work work work work work work. yes. now. i suppose. mmbah.

Oooo look a shiny thing....

*wanders off...*


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