Thursday, April 27, 2006


Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines...

all this in an attempt to kick myself into doing the 3 tonnes of work i have sprawled around me... We have a deadline for an animatic on tuesday 2nd which *luckily* i finished before i left leeds for the easter holidays *phew*

so thats the first deadline i can tick off the list... now there's the personal project, critical diary, critical diary report and print elective...

i've done my report, that was ok. basic enough. fine something i like and write about it. done. ticked. but the critical diary... EUGGHHHHH i hate it, i really can't bring myself to complete it, it all seems so pointless. i've decided next year i'm going to do an online version of it because i really don't like working in this sketchbook it's just pissing me off so much, looking at the pages and pages of white waiting to be filled with something i really don't have the time or energy to care about.

Personal Project? EUGGHHHHH x 2. I was going to build a website using the words and random conversations and stuff - no point in explaining because it's not happening. my brother asked me a while ago to help him build a website for Castletown Hockey club of which he is a member and team leader so i have decided to use that work as my personal project stuff, but it means i have to build all the background rough work to hand in as the website doesn't look like it's going to be completed in the next few days so whatever i hand in is gonna be half arsed and basically... shit...

arghhh i hate this, the 1st year is so confusing to work out what i'm supposed to focus on work wise, whats priority and now in the last few months i have deadline after deadline all shouting at once for attention... BAH!

i've just looked through my crit diary... and i'm thinking FUCK IT, i'm going to spend the next 11 days to build a blog that will be my crit diary... i can do this.. i hope, because i just can't bring myself to do any more stuff in that sketch book. i just get instant writers block and get distracted too easily...

and then print, i don't even know! the deadline is a few weeks away i think so i can blag that a little nearer the time, but i'm not likeing where it's going at the minute. i'm not happy with the prints i've done... drop in sessions will be used alot me thinks...

oh yeah and STORYTELLING... before i go back to leeds in a few days i need to have written the story and made all the images i want to use for my book pages... OH THE JOYS OF MY HALF ARSED ATTEMPT AT EVERYTHING. why didn't i try and get some of this done earlier? goddamnit i'm so annoyed at myself... BAH

and now i must work


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